Owner and Contractor Responsibilities


EPIC’s Role

As the special inspections agency, it is EPIC’s responsibility to inspect work during and after construction, according to DOB approved drawings. Since we are not in control of the construction process, it is important for EPIC to work in concert with the owner and contractor to ensure a smooth process, and avoid any sign-off delays.

Owner Responsibilities

Since the owner holds the contracts of EPIC and of the contractor, they have a birds-eye view of the overall project. Once we are signed on to a project, we are proactive in reaching out to the owner to get periodic updates on the status of hiring a construction team. We rely on these updates in order to know when to schedule inspections with the contractor.

Once a General Contractor (GC) is hired, the Owner can pass the baton. We can then coordinate directly with the GC, without necessarily involving the Owner.

Contractor Responsibilities

Constant communication between the contractor and EPIC is critical to a successful and smooth project. Once the Owner provides us with the contractor’s information, we immediately reach out to introduce ourselves, explain our role in the project, and describe our requirements and expectations as the project moves forward. We send out custom-tailored checklists for every project, which detail the specific inspection requirements for each inspection required under the scope of work. This starts all members of the project team off on the same page and with a common understanding of the next steps.

We also coordinate with the contractor to attend pre-construction meetings, which add another layer of understanding between EPIC and the contractor.

As the project progresses, we will frequently reach out to the contractor to get updates on the progress of construction. Its important that the contractor is responsive to our requests for updates, so we can be sure to schedule inspections at the correct time during construction.

Contact us to find out more about how EPIC will be a valuable asset to your next project.
