EP & EPIC – Full Project Service Under One Roof


EPIC and EP Engineering

EP Inspections & Commissioning, EPIC, is an independent special inspections agency, created by the founders of EP Engineering. While each firm is an individual entity, both operate out of the same office. Each firm adheres to their respective professional responsibilities, while benefiting from shared information that is impossible to obtain in standalone inspections firms.

The Value of Collaboration

Traditionally, special inspections agencies typically inspect job sites based upon the DOB approved drawings for each trade. Often, there is minimal or no contact between special inspectors and engineers prior to inspection. This leaves opportunities for nuances of the project, such as upcoming PAAs, to be missed by the special inspector, resulting in confusion and delays.

At EPIC, the inspector and engineer both operate under one roof; all of our employees know each other. And Inspection Supervisors and engineering Project Managers are aware of each other’s projects. This gives EPIC the unique ability to self-resolve many non-conforming items during inspections. All of this makes for a seamless experience for our clients.

Ethical Practices

As licensed professionals, the leadership and employees at EPIC adhere to a strict code of ethics. This includes holding engineers responsible for upholding the code, especially when those engineers are in-house. Using a system of checks and balances, EPIC is able to elevate the engineering services of EP Engineering. In turn, EPIC is able to deliver inspection reports that are clear and concise. Ultimately, it is the goal of the project team to deliver a fully signed-off space to our clients.

Contact us to find out more about how EPIC will be a valuable asset to your next project.
