EPIC Receives Class 1 Accreditation

Over the past several months, EP Inspections and Commissioning has embarked on the monumental project of gaining Class 1 accreditation. As mentioned in a previous EPIC KNOWS article, a Class 1 accredited inspection agency can conduct inspections on any project of any size and type, including new construction and additions over 10,000 square feet. EPIC has worked with the International Accreditation Service (a subsidiary of the International Code Council) to follow their IAS Accreditation Criteria (AC291) in this process. Class 1 accreditation was earned in May, 2022 in these fields of Special and Progress Inspections:


  • Chimneys

  • Luminous Egress Path Markings

  • Fire Resistant Penetrations and Joints

  • Sprinkler Systems

  • Standpipe Systems

  • Smoke Control Systems

  • Mechanical Systems

  • Fuel Oil Storage & Fuel Oil Piping Systems

  • Private On-Site Storm Water Disposal Systems & Detention Facilities

  • Heating Systems

  • Post-Installed Anchors

  • Emergency & Standby Power Systems (Generators)


  • Energy Code

  • Fire-Resistance Rated Construction

  • Final

EPIC looks forward to making good use of this accreditation in the near future by taking on Class 1 level inspections and expanding our ever-growing portfolio of projects.

Erin Martinez